Limpieza inteligente para las ciudades modernas
Carros, camiones inteligentes para limpieza de las ciudades.
Facial identification security system
ID. Ciudadanos. Reconocimiento facial urbano.
Tecnologìa avanzada en movimiento, que maximiza la seguridad
Pedestrian safety monitoring
Micromobilidad conectada, bicicletas electrìcas, routers, motocicletas, todo interconectado.
Enhanced Intersection Safety
Implemented a cutting-edge facial recognition system at major intersections in San Pedro Garza García. This system efficiently identifies drivers exhibiting risky behaviors, such as using mobile phones or not wearing seatbelts, promoting safer roads and reducing accident rates.
Smart Pedestrian Crosswalks
Developed intelligent crosswalks equipped with facial recognition technology to enhance pedestrian safety. These crosswalks detect when pedestrians are present and adjust traffic light timings accordingly, ensuring safer and more fluid movement for both pedestrians and vehicles.
Traffic Flow Optimization
Installed advanced facial recognition sensors to monitor and analyze driver patterns, helping to optimize traffic light sequences citywide. This has resulted in smoother traffic flow, reduced congestion, and more efficient fuel usage during peak travel times.
Enhance Traffic Management Today
Implement cutting-edge facial recognition technology for seamless traffic control in San Pedro Garza García, ensuring safety and efficiency on every street.